kinnery, twenty summers old. someday, we'll become birds and snowflakes and dandelion seeds, and we'll fly away on the wind like the vagabond souls we are. take my hand.


it is so easy to become lost in time. each days feels both like forever and a whisper of infinitely small moments. i am self-inflicted lullabies and warm, familiar smells. i am dry yellow hair. i am introuvable, buried under cascading torrents of snow and foliage, no hint of my dead body under the landscape.

last night, i dreamt of cracks in walls and infections.

i tend to project
ideas of december onto you,
even though you've told me (again and again)
you were born in a sticky july.
you conjure up images of
bleeding coke bottles,
yellow straw and ruined crops,
sitting on front porches
in loose old-fashioned florals
and waiting for birth
(both yours and the birth
of a better year to come).
i hold that vision in my mind,
but as hours slip past,
snow covers up the sleepy sepia haze
and you are born again into
a blue and white december.
forgive me for giving you a birthday present
on christmas.

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remember that you are beautiful. thank you for your thoughts.