kinnery, twenty summers old. someday, we'll become birds and snowflakes and dandelion seeds, and we'll fly away on the wind like the vagabond souls we are. take my hand.


i do not want my fingers to callous. i don't mind if it hurts when i press the tips down on hard guitar strings when i try to create music, i do not care if it burns when i hold my hot tea cup, i do not care if it stings when i brush them against nettles. i want to feel the world around me, interact with my hands before my eyes or ears or lips. i want subtle sensations to course through me, tell one lover's face from another, let the words 'this is me' flow from fingertip to fingertip.

i want to honestly tell people that i know how they feel.


  1. This is an impressive piece of writing. I am now following your blog.. :-)

    Compassion can be a little painful, to not turn away from another's sorrow, yet the reward of being compassionate outweighs the downside of it.

    You expressed feeling the totality of life very well.

  2. of course i don't mind you entering! i very rarely comment on the blogs i read, so part of the reason i'm holding this contest was so i could say hello to readers i haven't encountered before :) so thank you for saying hello! your comment will of course be included :) xx

  3. You are the beautiful one, Kinnery. My, you amazing me, my darling. I'm grinning wider than a horse on race day reading your angel strung words here. I feel as though you've poured not only your own heart out, but have somehow tapped into one of my veins and let my own feelings bleed through in your words.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    I could say I feel the same way that you feel about me, my dear. Bless your heart. I am here for you if ever you need me to be, remember that.

    Norah x


remember that you are beautiful. thank you for your thoughts.